
In Year Applications

Years 7 - 11:

Under the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme all 'In Year' applications for Years 7 -11 must be made via the London Borough of Bromley, who maintain a waiting list for St. Olave's Grammar School.

In order to apply to go on the waiting list, please contact the Bromley In Year admissions team via the following link:

Bromley In Year Admissions

Applications for in year places must be made each academic year. Bromley will close their waiting lists at the end of a given academic year with all names being removed. Anyone wishing to keep their child’s name on the In Year waiting list must reapply at the start of each new academic year

Should a vacancy occur those children on the appropriate year group’s waiting list will be invited to take written tests at the School. The results will be placed in rank order and the place offered to the highest ranked candidate who attains the required standard.

Sixth Form: 

Due to the courses offered over the two years of Sixth Form, in year vacancies are not possible.