Drama 1



Ms A. Wilkie - Head of English and Drama

Drama demands creativity, high levels of teamwork skills and the confidence to perform and experiment with dramatic forms and convention. A high level of professionalism and commitment is essential.

Year 7

In Year 7 students have one lesson per fortnight. The focus is on developing their performance skills, and on basic drama techniques including still images, narration and cross-cutting. We explore a variety of devised and scripted work with themes including Roald Dahl and historic events that changed the world. Students are encouraged to be imaginative and creative, while also being disciplined in their focus on the tasks.

Year 8

Year 8 builds on the techniques explored in Year 7, adding in some different theatre styles including chorus and physical theatre. We begin by working in the first term in small groups on the script ‘The Government Inspector’ focusing on skills necessary for learning lines and achieving comic timing and characterisation. In the second term we look at different scripts working towards performances in front of parents and students in Year 7.

The following links provide further information:

Drama Curriculum Summaries

KS3 KS3 Overview Year 7
End of KS3 Standard Year 8

Assessment  Process

Assessment and Feedback Process 

Wider reading suggestions for Students of English & Drama

100 English Reading Suggestions

KS3 Reading Suggestions for keen readersKS3 Reading Suggestions for reluctant readersKS4 - Year 10 -  English  Reading SuggestionsKS4 - Year 11 -  English  Reading SuggestionsKS5 - English Reading Suggestions


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