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School Uniform
St. Olave's School Uniform is available to purchase from Graduates Schoolwear. Our Parents' Association also hold regular Second Hand Uniform sales.

Graduates are able to supply the full range of St. Olave’s uniform requirements subject to the availability of stock at any particular time.
Our School Uniform Policy is available via the following link and indicates which items of uniform are compulsory and school branded, compulsory but un-branded and non-compulsory:Uniform information
A uniform evening for the new Year 7's joining us in September, will be held at school in the preceding May.
Lost Property - Please name all items! |
Please label your child's belongings, uniform and PE Kit to allow us to find and return lost items to them swiftly. Once recovered, the majority of lost items that are named are returned to students within two days.
Un-named items will initially be held at Reception before being transferred to our lost property cupboard.
Students can access un-named items in the lost property cupboard on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (only) between 12.40pm - 1pm.
Once a term any unclaimed un-named items will be donated to our PA second hand uniform sale.

For Information relating to nearly new/Second hand uniform sales run by our PA and Lost property click here
Sports' Kit

Pupils will be able to purchase their sports’ kit directly from the Graduates shop in Orpington High Street or via their website.
St. Olave’s cricket kit can now also be purchased from Graduates. Please note that these are not compulsory items – pupils can wear their current PE kit for summer sports, but many pupils who represent the school at cricket choose to purchase these items. They will be stocking cricket trousers, shirts and short-sleeved jumpers with the school logo embroidered onto them.