Lower School Balloon Debate
Year 7 and 8 students have been competing in their inter-house English finals. Year 7 students delivered speeches for the Balloon Debate. Each student chose an influential person from history, or alive today and argued that their contribution to society had resulted in the biggest impact. Students chose a wide range of figures including Obama, Napolean and Hamilton and impressed with their research, writing and presentational skills.
Congratulations to 7H for being the winning form, and to individual winner, Sparsh from 7B for his particularly entertaining and lively speech.
Year 8s delivered speeches on something they wanted to complain about. Topics ranged from Vapes, to the way the British are viewed around the world, to people treading on the back of your shoe. Speeches were imaginative and engaging, utilising a range of features and structural techniques that they have been learning about in lessons. Their delivery was confident and animated, making the speeches a pleasure to listen to.
Particular congratulations to winning form, 8H, and to the individual winner, Jaden in 8C.