English Outreach

Dsc00242To grow as readers, writers, speakers and listeners the best thing you can do is read. Read widely both fiction and non-fiction, including whole books, short stories, poems and plays. Use your school or local library if you can. Here are some suggestions for you to try out.


St. Olave's School has created the following resources to stimulate pupils reading and comprehension skills:

Reading Recommendations, Podcasts and Websites

Recommendations - Years 5 & 6

Reading 5-a-Day - Poverty

Reading 5-a-Day - The Storm Chasers

Reading 5-a-Day - A Lesson for Parents

Reading 5-a-Day - The Street That Got Misslaid

Reading 5-a-Day - Parenthood

Other Assignments to try

The following resources are password protected. Please contact our St. Olave's Outreach Coordinator for access.

Murder Mystery Task Murder Mystery Answers

Shakespeare Research Task

How to read Closely...

Poetry Beginnings

First Impressions of a poem

How to read a story - PowerPoint

How to read a story - audio

How to read a poem - PowerPoint

How to read a poem - audio


Word Class

Punctuation - Writing

Sentence Types

The 11+ Exams

A selection of 11+ exam past papers, which may also prove helpful are available via the following link:
